Episode 12 - Threadwork: The Life Aquatic

I’ve often thought that I have a predilection to aquatic sounds and overtones in music. There were loads of other records I had on the longlist for this episode – so a part two may well be on the cards at one point – but there’s something about water that’s very evocative in music. And then there are aquatic sounds – or compositions that feel watery. But what does that mean? Well, I know I’ve played a couple of his records on previous episodes and spoken a little about them but someone like Ross From Friends manages to capture a kind of submerged, bubbling, shifting feel on some of his compositions and, to me, they often end up conjuring an image as well as, obviously, providing the soundtrack. It may seem like a strange touchpoint but when I think about it, Chris Isaak’s ‘Wicked Game’ from the early 90s is an example of a track that feels watery. What I am keenly aware of is that ‘Wicked Game’ had an iconic video – especially for a young boy, phew – that was shot on a beach with the sea rolling away in the background. So is that the reason why I associate slightly reverby guitars and roomy production with an underwater sound and so anything that is left or right of arc of that gets tarred liberally with a watery brush? Maybe. But I’m not sure. It does sound aquatic though, doesn’t it? It shifts and slides and ebbs and flows… I can only speak from my perspective and whether others get a watery feel from it is up to them to say. But for me if there’s a dash of ‘Wicked Game’ in a piece of music then I’ll be on the shore of it, gazing out to the horizon.


Despite me talking about it a lot above, 'Wicked Game' isn't included in the episode itself. So here it is below. What a tune.




Spotify episode playlist: https://open.spotify.com/user/rosscale/playlist/35FQoFvxvpbOI5BKuNpmtz?si=2tLRMPzgSbiYEqXB-T-cJw

Threadwork is presented by Ross Cale.

Huge thanks to Bod for production support.

Huge thanks to Bettina Langlois for the Threadwork soft sculptures. Check out some of her other work here: https://www.instagram.com/bettenoire93/





Twitter: @rosscale

Episode 11 - Threadwork: From The Vaults: Glimpse (2002)

I've been tidying up the house recently and desperately trying to get rid of STUFF but whilst going through the STUFF I found a load of CDs in one of those massive CD wallets. And it just so happened to contain a load of old mixes I put together in the early/mid-2000s. Very few had a tracklisting and I only vaguely remember actually recording a couple of them but there they were nonetheless. Anyway, I popped a couple on and was surprised at how... well, Threadworky they were. That's either a good thing in that I remain consistent in my approach to compiling mixes (and Threadwork is among many other things a bit of an excuse to have a mix) or a less good thing in that I haven't developed at all in years.

Anyway, I take Threadwork seriously and I wouldn't just put up any old rubbish and call it an episode. And given there isn't a single track on here that I wouldn't include in any other instalment I was compiling today I thought I would post this up as a release.

It'll be good to get your thoughts.




Spotify episode playlist: https://open.spotify.com/user/rosscale/playlist/3MsVwndTMepyexkMASGnom?si=J-ZQmmzJTKqriQJbIgpGJg

Threadwork is presented by Ross Cale.

Huge thanks to Bod for production support.




https://www.instagram.com/rosscale/ – there is nothing here right now. There will be – I just don’t know when. Probably when I find some images to post that I can associate with the podcast.

Twitter: @rosscale

Episode 10 - Threadwork: Bugs & Flowers

Here's instalment 10 of Threadwork and this fortnight's theme is Bugs & Flowers. I've mentioned elsewhere that some of the tracks don't exactly fit the description but they're near enough, I reckon.

There's a decent spread of music in this episode genre-wise: jazz, ambient, grunge, alternative, hard rock, electronica, house and more besides all feature and there's an accidental abundance of pianos across most of these styles which was a pleasant surprise. 

Also this is the track that gave its name to the episode but that I couldn't quite fit in to the podcast in a way I was happy with. So for bonus listening check out this beautiful record by Jeffrey Lewis & The Junkyard.



Spotify episode playlist: https://open.spotify.com/user/rosscale/playlist/4hT2NAgx7P8uBg6OK0GBLC?si=91vA5HdJRna6nJGkoprNrA

Threadwork is presented by Ross Cale.

Huge thanks to Bod for production support.




https://www.instagram.com/rosscale/ – there is nothing here right now. There will be – I just don’t know when. Probably when I find some images to post that I can associate with the podcast.

Twitter: @rosscale

Episode 9 Bonus: Eden Blackman Full Conversation

Here's the first bonus Threadwork episode and it's the full, unedited conversation with Eden Blackman. It's a must listen for anyone with an interest in Eden's career in the music industry and contains a couple of excellent stories that didn't make it into the episode proper. 





Episode 9 - Threadwork: Eden Blackman

Episode 9 of Threadwork features a conversation with Eden Blackman https://www.instagram.com/edenblackman/ that I recorded with him in May 2018. It was so lovely to sit and chat with him about music and we ended up going for about an hour and a half in the end. It's a fascinating insight into Eden's relationship with music and what some of his defining musical moments are and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did doing it.

The episode took me a little bit longer to get ready than originally planned but a final studio push with Producer Bod saw us finally pull it together. Choosing what to leave out was really hard and so to alleviate the difficulty we'll be posting the original unedited conversation up as a bonus next Thursday.

Hope you dig.




Spotify episode playlist:


Threadwork is presented by Ross Cale.

Huge thanks to Bod for production support.



Twitter: @rosscale

Episode 8 - Threadwork: Things Fall Apart

Here is the 8th episode of Threadwork - an episode that, as I mention in the intro spiel, was borne out of a difficult time. Art has often been realized as a reaction to or inspired by such difficulties and whilst I'm loathe to describe this podcast as art per se I am far more comfortable in referring to the music contained within it as such. 

From a thread perspective the records on this episode tap into a number of things - there's an underwater, aquatic sound to couple of tracks - which I can trace back to, amongst other things, Chris Isaak's 'Wicked Game'. There's an opaqueness to some of the lyrics that lend themselves to interpretation - Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith's peerless 'To Feel Your Best' being a perfect example. I respond to this on many levels - it's like fully embracing the psychic con artist, putting out broad topics that you then attach meaning to. But in a good way. And of course there's the wider emotional response I get from all of the records.

Bonus listening: I couldn't get it to fit musically but it absolutely gave it's name to the podcast.




Spotify episode playlist: https://open.spotify.com/user/rosscale/playlist/32R9hcSTyrYNw55tgxB6Rs?si=ditVi4mbRvKRsxUVOIO-ww

Threadwork is presented by Ross Cale.

Huge thanks to Bod for production support.



Twitter: @rosscale

Episode 7 - Threadwork: Games

Here we are with episode 7 of Threadwork. This wasn't the episode that was originally scheduled but that doesn't mean that it's some poor substitute - rather it's one that I'm really happy to bring up the batting order. 

Originally, I wanted to talk to a mate of mine in the gaming industry in order to get him to pull together games-influenced music. But he didn't really fancy it and I, at the same time, found myself thinking of records that fit the theme. And so the stars aligned and, after a few sessions in the studio you now have the episode in front of you. One that I'm very proud to offer for your consideration.




Spotify episode playlist: https://open.spotify.com/user/rosscale/playlist/2La7iescssOcPZrZkvZ5Zw?si=q5Im217RS4KS9lWP1F1yMQ

Threadwork is presented by Ross Cale.

Huge thanks to Bod for production support.



Twitter: @rosscale

Episode 6 - Threadwork: Places Part 2

Here's episode 6 - or instalment as I might rename them to going forward, although I feel there's a more accurate name just out of reach for something that forms part of an open-ended whole even though that whole isn't a single coherent narrative but sort of has a unifying thread running through it (arf). Whatever that naming convention is, and we'll go with epistalment today, this is one of 'em. Though in reality it's the second of two but let's just gloss over that for the sake of getting the hell on with it.

So the theme again this time around is Places, defined primarily as geographical locations but with a bit of wiggle room for interpretation. But the defining feature of this one is that it is mostly electronic music that makes up the tracklisting. In fact there's only one track that's not electronic - and that's not to say there isn't natural instrumentation in the other tracks - but primarily it's synths and beats and electronic wibblings of varying tempos and textures. Some for the feet, some for the head but all for the heart. 




Spotify episode playlist: https://open.spotify.com/user/rosscale/playlist/07cF4aPU9iIIn9T9UdMAVt?si=QBiSWiJgSMKIYe7PgSNmmQ

Threadwork is presented by Ross Cale.

Huge thanks to Bod for production support.



Twitter: @rosscale

Episode 5 - Threadwork: Places Part 1

So this episode is the first of a 2 parter but could easily have been more. And this is because the theme is places - defined as geographical locations barring the odd exception. The long list for this theme was probably the biggest to date and it became apparent pretty quickly that one episode wasn't going to cut it. So whilst this part and part 2 which will be released in a fortnight aren't physically linked they are spiritually and were completed within the same couple of sessions.

I get into it in the episode itself but this started to crystalize one of the threads that run through my music - the emotional reaction provoked by instrumental music. That feeling extends beyond instrumentals clearly but perhaps it's easier to get them feels from lyrics yet it's slightly more intangible when it comes to primarily instrumental compositions. There'll be more to come on this subject in the future, I'm sure. But for now I hope you dig.




Spotify episode playlist: https://open.spotify.com/user/rosscale/playlist/22naPXG6Vehb2t97WiBZjR?si=6YbV83wuSkqVHkDCxCjF4w

Threadwork is presented by Ross Cale.

Huge thanks to Bod for production support.



Twitter: @rosscale

Episode 4 - Threadwork: Jeffrey Lewis

For a number of reasons I'm really excited to share this episode. Firstly because to get the chance to chat to Jeffrey Lewis, an artist who I've been a keen follower of for the best part of a decade, for the podcast is really pleasing. But secondly because framing the chat in the form that it is was a lot of fun and a real challenge. My recording setup is rudimentary and my interview skills even more so, so when I went through the recorded material I soon realized that a more creative approach would be required. And so with the help of producer Bod, we pulled together what I hope is an enjoyable 45 minutes for you all.

If you feel like leaving any feedback then please do via the methods below. It'd be great to get your thoughts.






The Spotify playlist for the episode is here: https://open.spotify.com/user/rosscale/playlist/7tloBdiWFU5uM26JFWxXaV?si=CMfUNibFSNi1njFB9vTb9Q

